Yaz Side Effects Emotional Birth Control Side Effects

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Birth Control Side Effects and You

Birth Control Side Effects and You

Many women make the decision to go on birth control at some point. Whether it is to prevent pregnancy, control acne, or regulate your period, there is a strong possibility that you will go on birth control pills in your lifetime. Keep in mind that the birth control pill may not be the most suitable option for you, however. There are a number of different birth control side effects that many women experience. Here are some of the things that you should keep in mind when going on the birth control pill.

What are the Most Common Birth Control Side Effects?

Birth Control Side Effects and You
The most common side effects of birth control include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, constipation, breakthrough bleeding or spotting between periods, changes in the menstrual cycle, appetite increase, mood swings, and a loss of sex drive. Weight gain is a very common side effect of birth control pills that are high in hormone levels. Some birth controls may even cause infertility for a brief period of time after use. Be sure to read the informational packet that comes with your birth control pill in order to find out what side effects you may experience.

Are Side Effects Caused by Birth Control Common?

It is fairly common for women to experience side effects caused by birth control. The time when side effects usually occur is when women first begin taking a new birth control pill. Do keep in mind that it is possible for women to experience side effects after being on the pill for a long period of time as well. It really depends on your own body.

What Should You Do if You Experience Side Effects?

If you experience birth control side effects when you first begin taking a birth control pill, it is important to keep in mind that it is probably perfectly normal. Sometimes, your body may need some time to adjust to the new pill. This may take a few weeks, or even a few months. That said, it is important to pay attention to your side effects. If they are severe or continue to persist for a long period of time, then it may be a reason to worry.

No matter what type of side effects you experience when using a new birth control pill, it is a good idea to contact your OBGYN. Find out what his or her opinion is on the side effects that you are experiencing. You may be advised to continue taking the birth control pill until the side effects lessen and eventually go away, or you may be told to stop taking the birth control pill in favor of a different pill or method of contraception. No matter what the case is, its important to keep in mind that it is likely that you will know if something is not right with your body. Be sure to pay attention to your gut instinct. If something does not feel right, its probably because it isnt.
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